I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Here's hope for everyone to have the best year ever.
If memory serves, it was new years day in 1980. I was living in a small, north Georgia town called Morganton. My wife and I were alone, the kids were with their grandparents. We went over to Blue Ridge Lake for a walk. At some point during our very cool walk, it occured to me that I wanted to be able to say that I was the first one to go for a swim that year, so........
down the boat ramp I went. Throwing off my clothes as I ran. The lake was low so it was a bit of a run down the long ramp, but, by the time I had my clothes off, I was ready to jump into the water. I win, I win! Satisfied that I would be the winner that year. Yea, we did separate that very year and divorced. Hmmm. "Some people say that there's a woman to blame, but I think, hell it could be my fault."

Have a good one folks.

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