I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Monday, January 11, 2010


Maybe a touch toward the Dark Side.
I had intended to start a new type of story simply called the dark side, to show that well, I'm not always good and I'm not always bad. But, I decided to start with a good story, about where I'm from, my Dad.
I got a new tattoo and it seemed to stress some folks out, they didn't understand it, so I decided to explain it. But first, I thought I'd relate a story about my dad.
Years ago, I worked at a full service gas station, not many remember what they were, but anyway, I worked there and it happened that my dad worked there at the time as well.
One evening after work, about 8PM, we decided we'd go and have a late dinner together, rare.
We went to a place, if memory serves, called the Smokehouse Restaurant in north Marietta, GA. It was just south of Allgood Rd., on HWY 41 S. Just on the west side of 41. It was a little family style restaurant with good home cooking. Anyway, while the ol man and myself were eating a truck driver came in. Back in the day, some of you may recall, a truck driver did just that........he drove. Can't pay the rent unless those big wheels are turning. Well, here we are, after 8PM and I'm sure the guy had been driving since before sun up and was really worn out. We assumed he had been living off of truck stop food, which was much different than what you get at today's travel plaza. Well anyway, my ol man, whom maybe some folks over the years thought less and less of did something that may surprise you, but didn't surprise me at all. When we finished eating and got ready to go, at the checkout, he paid for that driver's meal. They also had some cigars that were enclosed in a little glass case and he bought the three of us one of those and had the driver's sent to his table. He never said a word to that driver and we were gone before the cigar arrived at the guys table. He never said anything to me about all that, just did it and we left. It was never mentioned at any conversation we ever had. That's what I think about when I think of my dad. Far from perfect, some folks had no use for him at the end, he died alone and far from us. I even heard someone close to me say once, "If there is a hell, Jack Manning is there". If that is true, may I also head for hell when I leave here. Far from perfect, but a hell of a nice guy. Yet another who cared for everyone but himself.
Maybe a bit of the dark side next time and you can make your own decision.
Nuff said.


  1. From what I have learned of Heaven and Hell I dont suppose I will be waltzing thru the pearly gates myself...knowing what I know of who is allowed in, maybe I dont want to be there. I know nothing of my grandfather but one, unkind thing. Its nice to see that there was more. Always nice to see....more.

  2. I have no bad memories of Jack Manning. He used to make fried Spam sandwiches for me when he babysat me. I missed him when he left. I wish I had more memories of any kind -- besides Spam sandwiches, or at least wish you, Dad, and Kim would tell me more about him.
    Thanks, Unc.

  3. Well seems to me if thats the kinda people in hell.... SAVE ME A SEAT!!!!!!
