I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Old Hat

Yea, the timing is bad, but................

Yea, I know what you are gonna be thinking, but, as I said, when it hits, I will write.

I have to bring it up, last Thanksgiving was a banner one for me. I actually enjoyed my Thanksgiving Dinner at Shoney's in Monroe, La. Had a fine meal with all the trimmings, was really nice.

The next day and especially the evening was where this Story is.

I had been with my sister and her wonderful family in my mother's house, having a great time with them. My brother-in-law played a cd that my neice made of her singing and my nephew showed me a rap song he was working on, and my other neice was just a pleasure to be with. Of course my sister and brother-in-law are always great to be around, as they really impress me the way they work so hard to keep things going in spite of life being what it is.

Soon others came in, as they showed up at various times, in their own way, with their respective families, etc. in tow.

At some point, everyone had had their fill and the chairs were lined up, kind of in a circle around the living room. Everyone was talking and then, of course, old times were brought up. Of course my brother brought a story involving me and everyone got quite a chuckle out of it and the stories continued.

As I looked around the room, it hit me. I really felt that I should speak up, but.....I didn't.......I couldnt........
It occured to me......
The aunts and uncles and moms and dads............were us. We were the ones closest to the precipice. On the edge, as it were. In a way, I was proud to be here, but I wasn't sure who else might be.
The speech, as some would call it, never came.

Here it is........

As I look around this room, I see that this is the first gathering of the clan, as it were, where WE are the mothers and dads and uncles and aunts. And I'm quite proud to be a witness to the closeness and the love of all that are here. And to the ones whom are younger and maybe wouldn't notice, let me say this. What you are feeling, is FAMILY. There is no other feeling.
A wonderful, much loved, well respected matriarch of this family once told me, before I embarked on a journey that would keep me across the country, that, in the end, always remember, in the end, there is nothing......but family.
There is a favorite book, and movie. Where the matriarch of the Joad family states, with fist in hand and stern look, "we have to stick together, 'cause we are THE FAMILY".
All this in mind, I go back. And I hope, pray and very much desire, that the young people in THIS family, remember this night. And that you never forsake that order, that you HAVE to stick together, because YOU are the family. Never, Never, allow petty disagreements or anything else to separate you from each other. NOTHING will ever replace the unconditional love that you get from family. Nothing will ever help you sleep better. Nothing will ever make you feel safer.
I realize that some are scattered, I know this better than most. And I realize that you have many different types of personalities and ways of being. No matter. The blood that runs through your veins is that of mutual respect, kindheartedness, and love that can only come through family.
Know this, you will never, ever, have a friend that will come closer than family.
Some celebrations have drawn a gathering of much more than a houseful to my mom's abode. She worked very hard to get that place and to keep it. Honor her.....and the rest who have gone on before. Continue, without hesitation, or need of persuasion, to invite and bring food and all who will come........into my mom's house. Because, in the end, when it's all said and done, you...have to stick together, 'cause...YOU are the family.

1 comment:

  1. It struck me first of how I was no longer a child sitting in a family gathering and I am in a bit of shock to think you were thinking the same thing. I have not been with FAMILY since I was a child and I can tell you it was surreal. It was also so comforting, the feeling of such closeness that I have not felt in such a long time. It never occurred to me just HOW MUCH I missed it. Family... the word itself cannot adequately describe...
    Thanks again for sharing you thoughts. Love you Dad.
