I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

For a Friend

Decided to do something nice for a friend, like......be one.
Dear Friends and Family,

The National MS Society is gearing up for the annual 2010 Ardmore MS Walk. I am planning to be a part of that event and I am asking you to join me in the fight against MS by making a contribution to support my effort.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is dedicated to ending the devastating effects of MS. They simultaneously fund research for a cure while also helping people who currently live with MS lead more fulfilling lives. I believe in the work they do, and I invite you to see for yourself all the good they've done for the MS community. More than 400,000 Americans live with MS, and your support can and will make changes in their lives.

Please help by making a donation - large or small - to fight MS. Or, why not join me on the day of the event? Become a participant and side by side, as teammates, we can work together to raise the funds to make a difference.

Whatever you can give will help! I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

Gary Manning

Click here to get to my personal page and make a secure, online donation.

To send a donation: Make all checks payable to: National MS SocietyMail to: National MS Society - Oklahoma Chapter, 4606 East 67th Street - #103, Tulsa, OK 74136

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