I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


No, I mean it.
I related this story to my co-workers on Monday.
Back in the mid-70's I spent some time with the U.S Air Force. During that time I went to a friends house to hang out with some of the guys.
At one point I noticed a Hustler magazine laying on the table and picked it up and spent some time checking it out.
Somewhere very much into the magazine, I came across a page that was splashed with the word PORNOGRAPHY. At the time, the U.S. Government was involved in a case against the magazines founder, Larry Flint regarding this pornographic magazine. At the time, if memory serves, pornography was considered to be offensive and indecent to the common morays of our society.
On the pages following the short article about the case against Mr. Flint were pictures that he thought were truly offensive and indecent. There were a number of very graphic pictures from the War in Viet Nam. Visions of horror and humans that looked anything but human. Visions of what we and they had learned over the years to dismember and ultimately destroy a human life.
Then I related to them something "I" felt to be pornographic, offensive and indecent. On the front page of the Sunday Daily Oklahoman newspaper was a picture of a beautiful 11 year old child who had committed suicide. She had taken pills from the medicine cabinet. The very thought of a child that age even imagining ending her own life was a vision I found too disturbing to comprehend. Reading further I found out that the number 2 cause of death in Oklahoma, from age 10 up to 24 is suicide. In the very state that I love and have adopted as my home. Our children are taking drugs and killing themselves at an alarming rate.
I told them I had intended on bringing the paper to work so that everyone with children and grandchildren could sit at the table and read the story and show their kids that there are ways of working out problems and that the parents/grandparents will always be there for them, under any circumstances. I really have to believe that those words are true. They have to know and it must be true.

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