I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ya think?

Now what was she thinkin........?

Yea, yea, everybody had a big day today...right?
Let me share a piece of mine.
Was heading to work first thing, whiteout conditions, in Oklahoma. What the hell? Thought about turning around and going back home. The road didn't seem all that bad, at least during those times when I could see it.
My new cell phone goes off. Yes, I stopped in the middle of the road, I mean who the hell else is out here, to see what was up. My wonderful, beautiful child has texted me. Seems that my baby's baby is having a baby.....now. No words for that one.
Get to work, wound up after driving while wearing a white blindfold for about 45 minutes. Turned on concerning the birth of my great-grand baby, still weirded out about Ma's birthday yesterday. I'm told that I will be starting my new position on Monday, kind of a cush job, working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with a raise (noticeable).
And while I'm there they start this timing thing, luckily I'm on a machine I can do well on. And it really sinks in that yesterday I jumped in the pond with the biggest fish in the pond.
Filed papers to run for city council against someone I probably shouldn't have. But then, what should I do? Bail out, crossed my mind. But hey, I'm in there now. Damn the torpedoes. Bring it big guy. I might get kicked, but I will be dogging you.
And I walk in the door after work and she says, "Hey, you been drinkin'?"

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