I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Told myself I wasn't gonna do it......

If you know me, you know I've said that before.

First, let me say that I truly appreciate the Ray of Hope Baptist Church in Commanche, Oklahoma. I'm thinking that you just may be, at that.

I also wish to thank the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and the City of Duncan Police Department, Stephens County Sheriff's Department, City of Lawton Police Department, Commanche County Sheriff's Department and the City of Elgin Police Department. Without you folks, our ride would be much less safe.

And of course, thank you SSGT. Vinson Bryon "Trinity" Adkinson III, for your sacrifice to keep us safe.

I went to a funeral today and I was expecting Fred and/or his associates. I was there, you were not. I wish to let you in on what you missed. I will help you to enhance your vocabulary with a few words I added to mine.

Shortly after arriving, I was greeted by more of the Patriot Guard Riders of which I ride with on every chance I get. Some of them grumbled about the possibility of Fred and/or his minions showing up and to them I responded, I want them to show, it would be an honor to the man and his family inside for them to take time out of their busy day and to come all the way down here to prove what we already knew, that this man is of great value. I felt this way after spending too much time looking at a website and letting my blood boil for too long and finally allowing the truth of the matter sink in. I know you Fred. I'm thinking the day, your son mentioned in that interview, when you changed, may coincide with the day someone just like you passed away. Another that never missed a nanosecond of sleep worrying about someone elses feeeeellllllings His spirit entered your body, yes....I know you well.

I heard of a story years ago that certain Native American tribes thought that the strength of their tribe was measured by the strength of their enemies. Well this man had stood up to his enemies, much greater than Fred, without fear. This man had shown his tribe to be very strong indeed. He was a Staff Sargent in the Army. Sure, he could've said to his men, "go!", but not him, he held up his head and stuck out his chest and said "follow me!". For this he made the ultimate sacrifice. He did not lose his life quivering in fear behind the couch as Fred or myself may have done. And Fred, this is the first word we learned today, COURAGE. A word that I'm afraid that won't likely be used when describing us.

This morning I was given the opportunity to stand with my flag at the end of the trailer carrying the Texas Liberty Bell. At one point a nice lady walked up to me and put something in my hand. She never said a word, just placed an item in my hand and walked away. I never looked at it, but thanked her and stood there until I was relieved. It was ear plugs, to protect my hearing. I had been standing there in close proximity to that huge bell, close enough not only to hear it, but to feel the power. I didn't use the plugs.

The man who rings the bell told us, "This bell tolls for a final time, 7 times, to show this man did not die early, he completed his mission."

After the service, we mounted up and rode right through Duncan to the "Y", then on towards Lawton. Passing many, many well wishers, through the obligatory rain shower, back in to the warm sun. Then on to the Fort Sill National Cemetery where we will release this son, who shined in the darkness, to his reward.

Once there, I again took a position beside the bell, flag in hand. As again it tolled, I was again handed hearing protection that I once again, did not use. I told the man later, "I'd rather go deaf than to block that sound."

This soldier's brother in arms, told of their time together, in war, during quiet times and said of his fallen brother, " I can describe my hero in one word....HONOR." Fred, that is another one neither you nor I may hear used in the elugy describing us on our last day.

Fred, you should've been there. Maybe if your god of hate would've given you two ears for hearing, you would've heard those words and the whine of the bagpipes, the 21 gun salute, the soloemn TAPS being played. You may have seen the flawless Army Honor Guard, fold that flag, slowly, precisely. DIGNIFIED, Fred, there is another word for our vocabulary. Something, yet again that we might not be accused of.

And lastly, Fred, maybe if you'd try it, come and see, come and hear. Close your mouth and watch.

Maybe then you'd see, when that flag is passed from hand to hand until it reaches that bereaved loved one, when that gloved, sharply uniformed soldier stands at attention and delivers that painfully slow salute to a greiving family, then, maybe then you'll realize and learn two more words from this lesson today, two words that come from OUR loving, forgiving God


1 comment:

  1. Gary, this was well versed and I thank you for it. Anyone in attendance today should have felt total admiration for Trinity and what he gave for us and our country.
