I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

gotta let your soulshine....

better than sunshine, better than moonshine, damn sure better than rain.
Nah, he never said it, but he would've if he'd thought about it. Maybe I should'a said it to him.
Hell, what chance did he have? His pa was a drunk that would hop a train without notice and be gone for weeks. His ma passed when he was a kid and his step-ma was known to play the piano and sing those good ol' gospel songs when she was too drunk to stand up.
So what do you want?
He could be very stern about some things, but.....
I have a guy I work with, his dad used to keep him out of school and would work him and his brother like dogs on a construction project. Hmm, he's been known to take us out of school and make a day out of going to Six Flags, or fishing, especially if the crappy were biting.
Always the dreamer, taught me that. Had a vision to go to Australia once. Wanted to move to the country, lots. Ma wouldn't have it. Small towns is the best she would do. Smart too, could do math in his head faster than I could do it with a calculator. Knew the Bible better than ANYONE I EVER knew.
Good looking guy as well, even with that damn dead thing on his head.
Was a hero for a long time for me. I saw a few glimpses of his humanity, but he kept that to himself mostly.
Always a playful scamp, I'm sure to the end. Kind of wish I'd been somewhere closer then. Wish he would have had someone who really cared with him when he cashed out. But, he had to have things his way. Regardless. I guess he taught me that as well. Make your own choices, good or bad, but live with them. No one runs your life. But you don't have anyone to blame either.
So, yea, I got a tattoo that makes folks wonder. They probably don't understand. Good ol' Alabama White Trash. He wouldn't have been mad, he would've laughed. Be who you are, regardless. Live your life, you won't live forever, but then again, would you really want to? Not here.
I guess we all get one real love in our lives and somehow we are hell bent to lose it. He did. He ran with more, but he loved one. So when that's gone, when the love is really gone, what do you have left? He didn't think he had anything. No matter what anybody thinks, walk in his shoes for a bit.
I was pissed, like the others when I found out, but I refused to live thinking of him that way. Instead, I insisted on reminding myself of, the water trick I need to pass on. The funny things he did, said. The enormous heart he had. He would do anything for a stranger, could've robbed him blind and he wouldn't have cared. Loved women beyond... beyond.
Here's to you, my old man. I still think of you, often, mostly good. I guess that is the only legacy needed, to have someone think well of you after you are gone.
Happy 75th Birthday! Hope things are better for you these days. See you.........


  1. Another great one. You need to link this to your facebook so we can know when a new post is up.
    Love you!

  2. Intrigued about the water trick... :0) Eloquent as usual. A window to see through.
