I decided to create this blogspot to share with others stories of my life experiences. I consider them to be pertinent as they are my life, they are what I am, who I am. I have considered writing a book. Maybe not, maybe this will allow me to share memories without pressures of what comes next. As I have tended to live my life without much structure, mostly to react to stimuli, as they say. These pages will come as they come back to me, as they strike, I will write. I can also be a bit of a storyteller as the mood hits me. Maybe some things here won't agree with you, but at least you'll get to know me and isn't that why you are here?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saw one of my brothers yesterday...

We were doing pretty much the same thing when our paths crossed..

I was headed east, out of Lawton, on one of those roads Oklahoma is loaded with. You know, you cross over a road and the one you are on gets a bit rougher and goes from a named road into county road #....well, you know.

I was easing along, leaving the harried and hurried, in their quest to meet with him or her about this and that.

We were both just going about the business of no business. No rush, no where to be and no certain time to be there. Both enjoying one of those special Oklahoma mornings. Where the warm, late summer sun meets the cool early autumn breeze.

We stopped and checked each other out. Exchanged pleasantries and with one of those three finger waves, followed with a customary Oklahoma nod of the head, we moved on. Me to the east, on two wheels, him to the south, on four legs. Minding our own.

Just about then, I was thinking, there are many I know that could use this. All you have to do is ride out...or sit behind me. I will take you somewhere without a thing worth remembering....that you will never forget.

I've been known to ask, "Why did those folks stop here in the first place?" I bet on a horse, it would take forever to cross these hot dry plains. Ha, especially if you weren't in any kind of hurry. Think I figured it out.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My two cents......

We are all gonna be talking about it..

Was thinking about that ol' tasteless joke. I wanna die like my dear old grandpa, peaceful, in my sleep. Not like those guys screaming and yelling in the back seat.

I know.

We all die ya know. We don't want to talk about it, but we think about it. That is the one thing we humans share for sure. Different ways, different times, but it's coming. You'd think we would've learned to deal with it by now.

I've had many tell me what happens, but you know, you really don't get two of them to agree. And the reason for being here, well, it's the same. I've heard too many different stories to really believe one.

There are those that leave this world straight from the womb. They grow these little wings and take flight before those little feet ever touch this distressful world of ours. That is one story that I insist on believing. Others manage to hang around almost as long as a tree.

People will leave you. About the time you get used to them, start to love them, get to know them, they are gone. I've lost three mother's in law, all good, uncharacteristically strong women. Don't think you want to let me marry your daughter.

I'm thinking about that day. You know. THAT day. I had helped start a small business. After a short hiatus, it was agreed that I should return. I was taking a week before going back. You know. Taking some time in between, to gather my thoughts and plan my plans.

That morning I got up and poured myself some coffee and turned on the news. Are you kidding? This can't be real! I called my wife, who was at work...What the hell?

It was so surreal. It couldn't be happening! One of those huge trade tower buildings, the ones in New York was burning! And as I watched and mumbled to my wife, the other one was hit! What the hell? And as I watched the event unfold in front of my eyes, as people were filmed leaping from those buildings in fits of madness, first one then the other collapsed. Surely it was a bad dream. You know, a book you can't put down, a movie you can't even take a potty break for.

All those people. In the planes, the buildings. The twin towers, the Pentagon, those valiant heroes over Pennsylvania. Oh My God!

Is this where we are...as a nation? Can we be victimized in such a manner?

It disgusted me. All the commercial use...songs...books...movies. Vultures that made money off of the bodies of all those that died.

Yes, people will leave you. After getting back to work, I asked a young lady how her husband was. She started crying. I learned that I too knew someone who died in that attack.

We will all remember where we were and what we were doing. May we never forget. We can't hold those peaceful members of a different society, lifestyle captive...to blame...

We are all members of this world. There are those that seek to make this a better world, there are those that wish to merely watch it burn.

Ma told me repeatedly...it's not what others do, it's what you do that matters.